Get Started

Compost at home. Get a compost bin, collect your food and yard scraps, and responsibly discard of biodegradable waste. Compost bins can be purchased through the DPW, at garden stores, or you can make your own! Be sure to take advantage of your homemade compost and use it to improve your garden.

Sign up for a compost collection service. Black Earth Compost has weekly collections in Danvers, along with numerous towns in the North Shore. Their mission is to return biodegradable waste back into the Earth, with no waste. To sign up, visit their website, choose residential pickup, enter your information, select a plan, and pay. There is an option to receive compost each year in the spring for your own garden. More information is available on their website.

Think outside of the box. There are many different ways to properly dispose of your organic waste. Ask neighbors or local farms if they accept food and yard scraps for their own compost piles. If you need help finding ways to get rid of your scraps, ShareWaste is a company that coordinates local compost drop-offs. More information is available on their website.

Compost bins and accessories:

*Bin liners are made out of biopolymers, which are industrially compostable. These will be difficult to compost at home, but if you invest in a compost collection service these (or brown paper bags) will be necessary to line the bin.

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